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This course examines active shooting and the psychology behind the behavior. It focuses on 2 perspectives: law enforcement and psychology. Diversity and cultural differences are examined pertaining to country origin.
Captain II Ann E. Young is retired from the Los Angeles Police Department after 35 years of service. She was appointed to the Department in June of 1981. She was promoted to the rank of Detective in July 1988. As a detective, she worked 77th Area, Juvenile Division (Abused Child Unit), Robbery Homicide Division (Rape Special Section), and Internal Affairs. Captain Young was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 1991. During that assignment, she was assigned as a field supervisor in Central Area, South Traffic Division and Tactical Planning Section.
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What is an active shooting situation?
What do I do in an active shooting situation?
Top 5 tips to stay safe in an active shooting situation?
What is active shooting training?